Photo Credit: Samaria Regional Council
Samaria Council head Yossi Dagan (C) at Yosef's Tomb. Oct. 12, 2022

Despite the threats of terrorist organizations, hundreds of Israelis entered the city of Shechem (Nablus) on Wednesday night to pray at Joseph’s Tomb (Kever Yosef)

The so-called “Lion’s Den” terrorist squad in the city threatened to attack the worshippers, but excluding sporadic gunfire, no incidents were registered. There were no injuries.


​The entry of Israeli worshippers into Shechem occurs several times a year. The prayers take place only during the night and under heavy security provided by the Israeli security forces. The worshippers are often attacked by Arab terrorists.

Joseph’s Tomb is often the focal point of terrorist attacks. In June, Arab terrorists shot at hundreds of Israelis who had entered Shechem to pray at Yosef’s Tomb, injuring three of them.

Wednesday night’s entrance took place on the occasion of the Sukkot holiday and to mark the Ushpizin day of Yosef HaTzadik.

Yossi Dagan, head of the Samaria Regional Council, stated at the holy site that “whoever escapes from terror, terror pursues him,” and that Minister of Defense Benny Gantz “did well when he made a trivial and clear decision, not to submit to the brazen threats of the terrorist organizations from the Palestinian Authority, and to maintain the entrance to Yosef’s Tomb. The purpose of terrorism is for the State of Israel to be afraid of it and run away, and the only way to defeat terrorism is to fight back, move from defense to offense.”

Noting that Israel is “in the midst of a serious wave of terrorism everywhere,” he called on the government to act immediately and to “restore national security and national honor. The nation of Israel is strong, and the nation of Israel will defeat those who rise against it.”

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Aryeh Savir is director of the International division of Tazpit News Agency.