Photo Credit: Courtesy
David Friedman at the Arugot Farm

Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman paid a visit to Gush Etzion’s Arugot Farms located in the eastern Gush on Wednesday, near the community of Ibei Hanachal.

Jeremy Gimpel, David Friedman, Ari Abramowitz at the Arugot Farm. Oct. 20, 2022

Friedman was joined by his son and grandson on the visit. Friedman was impressed with the tourist site, which has breathtaking views overlooking the Judean Desert, the Dead Sea, Arad, and Jerusalem. The ambassador said he would visit again soon. Friedman was hosted by the founders of the Arugot Farms, Jeremy Gimpel, Ari Abramowitz, and Yossi Levitt. Gimpel and Abramowitz were recently the winners of the Ari Fuld Lion of Zion Prize.


During his visit Ambassador Friedman told his hosts: “I give you much respect that you are beautifully building the Land of Israel. Keep up this important project. I’m sorry I didn’t visit this place sooner.”


Jeremy Gimpel, Arugot Farms co-founder told Friedman: “When you spoke about moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, there were threats and some thought it would lead to war. But just the opposite happened. It led to a peace deal with four Arab countries. This shows that the Nation of Israel will only make peace through strength and not territorial concessions. Giving away land would be a tremendous mistake.”

Yossi Levitt, co-founder of the Arugot Farms told Friedman “You did more for Israel during your time as Ambassador than was done in the past 70 years.” He explained that the farmers “hosted the former Ambassador, David Friedman, to say thank you for everything he did for the benefit of Israel, and in his merit we will have the privilege of continuing to build in the Judean Desert, and bring the light of the Nation of Israel to the entire country.”

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