Photo Credit: Tamer Khalifa/FLASH90
Stone-throwing Arabs clash with Israeli security forces in northern Israel. Archive.

Recently, Internal Security Minister Omer Barlev pinned the problems in Judea and Samaria on “settler violence.” Unfortunately, three days after that miserable tweet, a squad of well-organized Arab terrorists murdered a young Jewish settler, proving the minister wrong in the most horrifying way. But while the Arab violence on either side of the 1949 armistice line, a.k.a. the green line, does not end up in tragedy too often (often enough, if you ask us), every single day sees dozens of violent eruptions everywhere in the Land of Israel. Hakol Hayehudi puts out a daily list of these events, which we decided to translate just to give our readers an idea. So, all the events below took place over the past three days:

A terrorist attacked a prison guard in Nafha prison
A Hamas terrorist attacked a prison guard at the Nafha prison near Mitzpe Ramon. The guard received medical attention at the prison’s clinic, his condition is mild. The Hamas wing is under control.


Arabs fired on IDF forces who were mapping the Homesh terrorists’ homes for demolition
IDF fighters overnight Monday mapped the home of the terrorists who murdered Yehuda Dimentman H’yd. During the operation, local Arabs fired on our forces, who returned fire. The incident ended without any casualties to our forces.

Two terrorists armed with knives and grenades tried to infiltrate from Gaza
Two terrorists tried to cross the barrier area from the north of the Gaza Strip. IDF fighters grabbed the suspects and found on their persons a spray grenade, two improvised grenades, and two knives.

3 Arab minors threw stones at vehicles in Jerusalem
Three 13- and 15-year-old Arabs from Beit Safafa threw stones at vehicles near the Gilo neighborhood of Jerusalem. Slight damage was done to the vehicles, there were no casualties.

3 Bedouin harassed a 10-year-old girl in Be’er Sheva Park and threatened her mother
Three 20-year-old Bedouin harassed a 10-year-old girl who was riding her bicycle in Be’er Sheva Park on Saturday afternoon and threatened her mother. The three were arrested for questioning. In another incident, three Bedouins were caught coming to collect protection in the city of Netivot.

Arab on Arab violence: an Arab was shot and seriously wounded in Kafr Qassem
An Arab was shot and seriously wounded in Kafr Qassem on Monday, the shooter escaped. In another incident, a 27-year-old man was shot Monday in the village of Yassif near Yarka in the north and was moderately injured.

Court released an Arab who abused a young man with special needs
The Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court released Ala Kiswani, an Arab suspected of posting distributing videos in which he impersonated a police officer and abused a helpless Jew with special needs. Judge Yehezkel said: “The danger can be nullified through an alternative to detention.” Those who show mercy to the cruel ones will end up being cruel to those who need mercy.

Bus driver was hit by stones near Hizma
A 32-year-old bus driver was lightly injured Sunday night by stones being thrown at him near the town in Hizma, an Arab neighborhood of Jerusalem. MDA medics and paramedics provided the driver with medical treatment and evacuated him to Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital in Jerusalem with shrapnel wounds in his eyes. This month, 25 cases of stone-throwing were reported in the Hizma area, in which 5 bus drivers were injured.

Two squads of car thieves were apprehended
Two squads of car thieves from Judea and Samaria, including four Arabs from Qalqilya, were arrested after stealing a motorcycle in Kfar Saba. Detectives were able to arrest two of them who were in possession of burglary tools. In another incident, two Arabs were arrested in Rosh HaAyin as they entered an underground parking lot. The two tried to escape and were caught with bags containing burglary tools illegal starter keys for scooters.

An Arab was arrested while driving a stolen vehicle
During a chase after an Arab car thief, police signaled the vehicle to stop and the driver tried to escape, resulting in a wild car chase toward the city of Ariel. At one point, the driver collided with a power tower and his car caught fire. The Arab thief, a resident of Kafr Ein in Samaria, tried to escape on foot and was arrested. In another incident, near the Tapuach junction, Arab residents of Bitot, in Samaria, were arrested for driving a Mazda that had been stolen from the Israeli city of Ramla three months ago.

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