Photo Credit: MDA
MDA national dispatch center in Kiryat Ono.

In a meeting held on Sunday between MK Alex Kushnir (Yisrael Beiteinu) and MDA Director-General Eli Bin, it was decided on a joint initiative of establishing a special call center in MDA to assist refugees who came to Israel from the war zones in Ukraine. The call center will operate from the MDA national dispatch center in Kiryat Ono and will provide answers over the phone in the Russian and Ukrainian to all the needs of the refugees, together with the International Red Cross.

The call center will provide assistance in a variety of areas including medical needs, bureaucracy, and coordination with professionals. It will operate between the hours of 8 AM and 9 PM, seven days a week. In Israel, dial *5160.


MK Kushnir said: “I congratulate MDA and Director-General Eli Bin on their steadfast mobilization to help all the refugees who came to Israel from Ukraine. Opening a hotline that will be available in Russian is a critical step, for accessing the information in the fastest and best way. I look forward to continued cooperation on any humanitarian issue that arises, especially in light of the events we are experiencing today.”

Director-General Bin said: “Magen David Adom, as the Israeli Red Cross Association, opened a call center this evening to help the thousands of refugees who came to Israel from Ukraine. I thank MK Alex Kushnir for his support and willingness to assist in all the matters required and in future cooperation in other planned projects.”

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