Photo Credit: Yossi Zamir/Flash90
Beit Shean National Park and Archaeology Site.

A moderate 3.5 magnitude earthquake shook Israel’s Jordan Valley in the early hours of Monday morning.

The tremor caused no injuries or damage.


The Seismology Division at the Geological Survey of Israel stated that at 05:38 Israel time, a magnitude 3.5 earthquake occurred 14 km northeast of the town of Beit She’an.

This is at least the third quake Israel experienced in recent weeks.

Israel is situated on the East African Rift, which runs through the Jordan Valley, on the border with Jordan, an area prone to earthquakes.

The last major earthquake to hit the region occurred in 1927 — a 6.2-magnitude tremor that killed 500 people and injured another 700.

Experts on the issue say that Israel experiences a devastating earthquake every 100 years and have warned that such a disastrous occurrence is just a question of time.

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Aryeh Savir is director of the International division of Tazpit News Agency.