One day ahead of the Knesset vote on the sixth Netanyahu government, the Likud party published the basic outlines of the new government. Historically, basic guidelines are not legally binding, but they mark the direction of the new government during its upcoming term.
Generally speaking, the basic outlines do not include sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, not even partially. But they do promise to boost the settlement enterprise, national security, and governance, increase public transportation, and maintain the status quo in matters of religion and state and the holy places – meaning the Temple Mount and the Kotel.
The Jewish people have an exclusive and unquestionable right to all areas of the Land of Israel. The government will promote and develop settlements in all parts of the Land of Israel – Galilee, Negev, Golan, Judea, and Samaria.
The government will strive to fortify national security and provide personal security to its citizens while fighting with determination against violence and terrorism.
The government will strive to continue the fight against Iran’s nuclear program.
The government will strive to strengthen the status of Jerusalem.
The government will strive to promote peace with all our neighbors while preserving Israel’s security, and historical and national interests.
The government will seek social justice by developing the periphery and reducing social disparities while fighting poverty through education, employment, and increased aid to the weaker population segments.
The government will work to encourage the use of public transportation and solve traffic congestion.
The government will promote a plan to deal with the rising cost of living and work to create economic conditions that will allow sustainable growth.
The government will view lowering housing prices and increasing the supply of apartments as a national goal, and strive to lower housing prices.
The government will take steps to ensure governance and restore the proper balance between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.
The government will work to increase Aliyah and absorption from all countries of the world.
The government will put education at the center of the national priorities and work to promote reforms in the education system while seeking equality among all the population groups in the various education systems, and strengthening Jewish identity.
The government will preserve the Jewish character and heritage of the state of Israel, and will also respect the religion and traditions of all the religious groups in the country in keeping with the values of the Declaration of Independence.
The status quo in matters of religion and state will be maintained as has been accepted for decades in Israel, including regarding the holy places.
The government will act to address the problem of personal security in Arab society and fight crime in Arab society, while encouraging education, providing suitable and appropriate solutions for young people, and appropriate investment in infrastructure in Arab communities.
The government will work to promote professional training and education in the technological professions, to provide an adequate response to the current needs of Israel’s industry as a key growth factor for the economy.
The government will seek the integration of people with disabilities of any kind into society, while assisting in their education and employment, and will take care of the basic needs of those who are unable to support themselves, to improve the status of the elderly, the disabled, and large families.
The government will protect the quality of the environment in Israel, improve the quality of life of the country’s residents, and participate in contributing to the global effort on climate and environmental issues.
The government will work to strengthen the security forces, and support the soldiers and the police in fighting and defeating terrorism.
The government will seek to recognize the Golan Heights as a strategic region with wide development potential and will create a momentum of settlement, development, and promotion of entrepreneurship while preserving the values of nature, people, and the environment that are unique to the Golan.