Photo Credit: Olivier Fitoussi / Flash 90
An Israir airplane on the Tel-Aviv to Eilat route at Ben Gurion International Airport, August 8, 2020.

Israir Airlines and Tourism Ltd. Will no longer operate flights on Shabbat, according to Globes (Israir stops Saturday flights). Four months ago, two well known Israeli businessmen Rami Levy and Shalom Haim purchased the airline and now have decided to push their Tel-Aviv to Eilat flight from Shabbat day to Saturday night.

Haim told Globes: “By personal conviction I’m a religious Jew who observes Shabbat, and all my businesses are closed on Saturdays. We respect those who observe the Shabbat, and this is not a personal whim of mine, it’s the DNA of Judaism.”


Haim added: “We want to reach a situation in which there’s a weekly day of rest for the pilots as well. There are many businesses that don’t operate on Saturdays, and that can include aviation too.”

Israel’s national carrier El Al and its subsidiary Sun D’Or no longer flies on Shabbat since being purchased by Haredi businessman Eli Rozenberg.

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