Photo Credit: Flash 90
Passenger get checked for Coronavirus at the airport in Israel. March 8, 2021

Following discussions in the Israeli prime minister’s office, it was decided to delay the entry of tourists into Israel by a month, pushing back the date from July to August 2021.

There is concern in Israel right now due to the Delta variant of the Coronavirus, and the sudden spike in infected Israelis connected to people who returned to Israel from overseas.


PM Naftali Bennett is recommending people wear masks indoors, and certainly indoors at the airport. The government will also be mobilizing city inspectors to ensure that people in quarantine stay in quarantine.

Bennett also called on youths ages 12-16 to be vaccinated by July 9, as the current supply of vaccines will be expiring after that date.

The Ministry of Education updated Wednesday that 253 students and 25 educators have tested positive for Corona in recent days. In the last 24 hours, 37 students and two educators have been added to the number of verified cases in the education system, according to a TPS report.

6,040 students and 110 teachers are in quarantine, and in the last day, 1,409 students and 10 educators have been added to this list. So far, only one school has been closed due to an outbreak.

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