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Italian PM Matteo Renzi and President Vladimir Putin at the SPIEF 2017 forum

Gary Koren, Israel’s Ambassador to the Russian Federation, and Anton Kobyakov, an Advisor to President Vladimir Putin, on Monday met to discuss an Israeli delegation’s participation in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, May 24–26 – as well as the promising cooperation between Russia and Israel in trade and investment.

“Israel is one of the leading trade and economic partners of Russia in the Middle East,” Kobyakov said. “I am sure that we will maintain the positive momentum in the relationship between our countries, and it will strengthen our traditionally close ties.”


Ambassador Koren stressed that the Israeli delegation is going to actively participate in both the business and cultural programs at the upcoming Forum. Representatives of Israeli companies and business groups will speak at the panel sessions on agriculture, medicine and the environment. Israeli high-technology companies and successful start-ups are especially interested in attending the Forum.

Koren said the Israeli delegation might be led by Ze’ev Elkin, Minister of Environmental Protection and of Jerusalem Affairs, who is also Co-Chairperson of the Mixed Russian-Israeli Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation.

Ze’ev (Vladimir Borisovich) Elkin was born in Kharkiv, in the Ukrainian SSR of the Soviet Union (now Ukraine).

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