The female soldier who was attacked in Hebron by an Israeli man is a resident of Tel Rumeida, as I reported earlier today (IDF, Center-Left Pols Orchestrate Massive Attack on Settlers Distorting Hebron Events). her father told Israel Hayom Sunday morning: “A hot-headed man hit her for no reason and then beat her with a stick.”
The clashes in Hebron on Saturday morning erupted during a celebratory parade in the Arab part of the city, that was approved and secured by the IDF. Arabs who had been incited by the preachers in the mosques during Friday’s prayer threw rocks at the Jewish marchers, and some of them retaliated with their own rocks. The female soldier, who lives in the neighborhood and serves in the Judea Division, was attacked by an Israeli visitor while trying to disperse the clashing sides.
Her father insisted: “These are people who come to cause riots. People come here without sleeping bags and with a bottle of vodka. It’s unfathomable. We hear the Prime Minister attacking us but it’s not us. My daughter was born and raised in the Jewish settlement in Hebron. People have to understand that.”
He added: “People see a cryptic message about a female soldier who was attacked and don’t understand the complexity. This is a person who attacked her for no reason. An older man punched a female soldier. They immediately blame the residents of Hebron, but these are people who come from the outside to cause riots. I’m not staying at home next year on Parshat Chayei Sara. It shouldn’t be like this.”
The Jewish community in Hebron sent its encouragements to the female soldier who is their neighbor, adding: “We send blessings to the soldiers and members of the security forces who are guarding our country. Thanks to them, today tens of thousands of Jews experienced a wonderful Shabbat discovering their roots and connection
in Hebron.”