Photo Credit: Naor Narkis’s Facebook.
Anti-Judaism online warrior Naor Narkis, July 8, 2020.

Rav Yehuda said in the name of that Rav: a person should always engage in Torah and mitzvot even if not for their own sake, in other words without the proper motivation but for ulterior motives, and through the performance of mitzvot not for their own sake, one will come in the end to do them for their own sake. (Arachin 16:). And I understand that the Lubavitcher Rebbe of Blessed Memory even listed the degrees of engaging in Torah and mitzvot for ulterior motives, from the desire to gain social stature, all the way down to seeking ways to attack and hurt Jews. That, too, was legitimate in his eyes, since this person, too, could someday learn Torah and perform mitzvot for the sake of Heaven.

In that case, we are looking at the early stages of a great Tzadik: Naor Narkis, a vigilant enemy of traditional Judaism, who boasted on Friday: “43 complaints were filed this morning about tefillin stands in 9 municipalities (Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Kfar Saba, Ramat Gan, Givatayim, Hod Hasharon, Ramat Hasharon, Herzliya, Haifa, Ness Ziona).


Naor Narkis (whose Hebrew name could be translated as Enlightened Narcissist), whose partner is a former Haredi man, as can be deduced from his posts, offered his “plan to change the reality on the ground”:

Phase A: A group of activists who report weekly on the Teshuva booths to increase awareness of the hazard

Phase B: We will apply pressure on the municipalities to oblige every stand to seek a signed parental consent before addressing minors, and a complete ban on handing out pizzas or gifts in exchange for exposure to religious content

Phase C: Dramatic reduction of the missionary presence in the enlightened cities and a threat to any missionary who addresses minors without parental permission

And Narkis declares: “Let them not approach the children of the enlightened public!”

Naor Narkis is upset with many expressions of Jewish tradition he sees in his path and reports them to his group of around 2,000 followers. He was most recently enraged by an ad inviting youths to attend a day-long study of tractate Taanit at the community study hall in Kfar Sabba during the fast of 17th of Tamuz, with a meat dinner to be served after breaking the fast. Women are also invited. Now, here’s a great example of how this Tzadik in the making is already doing good: without him I wouldn’t have known about this marvelous event (I live in nearby Ra’anana).

Last Thursday, this streetwise warrior complained about the employees of the Haredi city Elad’s branch of the Fox chain (an Israeli vendor of clothing and houseware), who “decided to scratch over the chain’s advertisements featuring women. It’s not proper, it’s not acceptable. I don’t care that it’s in the Elad branch. Disfiguring women’s images is not something that should be accepted anywhere in Israel. Fox, as your client, I expect you to remove the affront and discipline the employee.”

Such an enlightened man.

When Naor Narkis finally gives in to his true urges and starts observing Shabbat and learning Torah out of love, Heaven will be so happy.

Stay tuned, it won’t be long now.

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