Photo Credit: Twitter screenshot
Right-wing demonstrators celebrate outside MK Idit Silman’s home, April 6, 2022.

Some historic events appear to be written by a divine playwright or––if you’re on the cynical side––by a Machiavellian actor. Wednesday night’s mass rally in front of Cinema City at the Governmental Campus in Jerusalem was planned weeks ago, by a slew of Zionist organizations such as Im Tirtzu and Torat Lechima. The rally was publicized under the banner, “Israel Is Hemorrhaging – We Bring Back Security!” The posters offered phone numbers for folks around the country who needed busing, this was not put together overnight.

“Israel Is Hemorrhaging – We Bring Back Security”

And yet, if the rally exceeds its organizers’ expectations Wednesday night, it would no doubt be thanks to the bold move of one exasperated woman – MK Idit Silman, who just resigned from the Yamina party and threw the Lapid-Bennett-Gantz-Liberman-Michaeli-Horowitz-Abbas coalition government into the spinner.


Add to it the fact that Opposition Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to speak at the rally, and you’ll have yourself a mass rally the likes of which only the left has been able to amass in recent years, outside then-Prime Minister Netanyahu’s official residence on Balfour Street.

On Wednesday morning, after N12 News journalist Amit Segal woke up the country with his tweet about her coup, Silman was invited officially by the organizers of the rally to join them as a guest of honor and to speak in front of tens of thousands of protesters.

The former prime minister congratulated Silman: “You have proven that what guides you is the concern for Jewish identity, for the Land of Israel. I welcome you back home, to the national camp. You proved that real public representatives act according to the dictates of their conscience.” He called on other right-wing MKs to “return home.”

Besides Bibi and Idit, the rally will feature rabbis, MKs, and council heads from Judea and Samaria. Tuesday night, the most admired Religious Zionist, Rabbi Haim Drukman, called on his tens of thousands of students to come to the rally.

Religious Zionism Chairman Bezalel Smotrich, welcomed Silman’s move, suggesting “this is the dawn of a new day, the beginning of the end for the non-Zionist, left-wing government.”

The rally organizers issued a statement on Wednesday, saying: “The thing we all prayed for, a Jewish Zionist government, is now within reach. It’s time for everyone to put down everything they’re doing and demand a new government. Thanks to Idit, we will continue the pressure, it is within reach!”

The rally is scheduled to start at 7 PM and traffic in Jerusalem will be a huge mess until at least 11 PM.

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