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Rabbi Ben Zion Mutzafi

Dayan, kabbalist, and darshan Rabbi Ben Zion Mutzafi, Rosh Yeshiva of the Bnei Zion Yeshiva in Jerusalem and head of the Bnei Zion Badatz, on Sunday night chased away from his weekly class at the Musioff Synagogue in Jerusalem an anti-vaccines man who came in and interrupted his class. The elderly rabbi told the anti-vaxxer: “You’re evil, go away, you’re crazy! I guarantee that you are crazy, get out of here.”


Rabbi Mutzafi has been one of the most prominent voices in the Haredi community in favor of vaccination.

After the anti-vaxxer commented on the vaccines, Rabbi Mutzafi attacked him without hesitation, saying: “6,500 people have died, stop messing with our minds, get out of here, you – go away, you are crazy! I guarantee here that you are crazy. Come on, get out of here, enough. Get out, why’d you come in now? I won’t let you speak, you are an infidel, you are evil! You’re evil! Go. Like you there’s a whole lot of lunatics.”

It should be noted that Rabbi Mutzafi is not what you call a liberal. Back in 2010, he sanctioned singers who performed for the Haredi public, accusing them of leading people astray. In 2015 he called for killing neutralized terrorists, suggesting their heads should be smacked against the ground until they have “no moisture of life left.” And in 2018, he ruled that one must not look at the new 50 shekel bill because it carries the portrait of the poet Shaul Tchernichovsky who married a Christian woman.

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