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The legal advisor of the multinational force (back turned) in Hebron arrested for hitting a Jewish child

The TIPH official who hit a Jewish child recalled to Switzerland.

The legal advisor for TIPH (Temporary International Presence in Hebron) who was filmed slapping a 10-year-old Jewish boy in the face so hard that his hat was knocked off, has been recalled to Switzerland.


The child whom he hit is the brother of Shalhevet Pass, an infant who was murdered by an Arab sniper in 2001.

The TIPH official was illegally touring in the small Jewish section of Hebron, which is off-limits to TIPH personnel. He was touring with the foreign-funded radical leftwing NGO ‘Breaking the Silence’. To disguise his identity, the official wore civilian clothes, a hat and sunglasses.

After he hit the Jewish child he was arrested, but the police had to release him due to his diplomatic status.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry demanded from TIPH that the man leave Israel immediately.

On Friday, Switzerland’s ambassador to Israel, Jean-Daniel Ruch, sent an “apology” to the Jewish community of Hebron addresses to Rabbi Waldman, Rabbi Etrog, Noam Arnon and Anat Cohen.

His letter started off by blaming the settlers for “no doubt” provoking the TIPH legal counsel into hitting the young boy — not making the letter much of an apology.

“Though this was no doubt preceded by some provocation on the side of the settlers — the action of this TIPH member is totally unacceptable. It is expected from our TIPH members that they keep their nerves in any circumstances.”

He then expressed his apology for the slap and called on the community leaders to help avoid the situation from deteriorating, calling on settlers to stop provoking TIPH personnel.

The letter stated the Swiss citizen would be leaving Israel that day.

Needless to say, the Jewish community of Hebron would like to see all TIPH officials expelled from the ancient Jewish city of our forefathers, not just the ones who openly beat up little children.

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