Photo Credit: courtesy
Jacob Sheep rams at Beit El Zoo in Binyamin, Samaria

Amidst the war on terror being waged by Israeli forces in Palestinian Authority-controlled areas of Judea and Samaria, a bit of good news has shined forth this week.

Two lambs have been born after two beautiful ewes joined the two rams of the heirloom breed of sheep called Jacob Sheep being raised at Havat Ephraim (Ephraim’s Farm) in Beit El’s children’s zoo.


This is presently the only place in Israel where the public can visit the rare species.

“Havat Ephraim Bet El’s Children’s Zoo is thrilled to grow a family of now six beautiful Jacob Sheep in our welcoming memorial zoo,” said Tuvia Victor of Havat Ephraim.

“We are happy to provide an opportunity for fans of the heritage livestock to visit the Jacob Sheep. They are a source of great inspiration.”

The Jacob Sheep breed is famous for the mystique of its historic journey, and in recent centuries was named for the Biblical Patriarch Jacob who bred sheep that were were speckled and striped.

The species, called Ovis Aries, most commonly has four horns. Jacob Sheep breeders internationally advocate for preservation of the genetic biodiversity of livestock, contributing to the cause of global food security. Livestock conservancies provide infrastructure for weaving and textile enthusiasts who purchase the rare wool through “shave-em to save-em” campaigns.

The Jacob Sheep in Israel draw visitors from around the world, with notable followings from Korean, Japanese, Evangelical Christian and conservationist communities.

“The Beit El Zoo is a magical location not far from Jerusalem which is the perfect setting for this growing family of six Jacob Sheep. We hope soon there will be more sites in Israel where the public can visit these enchanted creatures,” said Naama Rue, a manager of the herd.

“The National Flock is being rehabilitated and we expect to be able to rent out rams to tourist and visitor sites in the coming months.”

Havat Ephraim Bet El’s Children’s Zoo is a place where children can experience nature with animals, where animals of all kinds are raised. The zoo is an informal learning environment that is open to the public.

There are widely recognized historic sites, holy sites from the Jewish heritage around the community of Beit El. Some of those sites include Jacob’s Rock, and the altars that the Patriarchs Abraham and Jacob built to honor God.

“In the place where Jacob slept and dreamed of angels ascending and descending Heaven on a ladder, we are happy to be the home to Jacob Sheep!” Victor said.

Beit El is situated along the Path of The Patriarchs, the road by which Jacob returned to the land of his heritage with his new flock and family.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.