Photo Credit: Sliman Khader/Flash 90
Arabs riot on the Temple Mount, December 6, 2013.

Jordan’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Ayman Safadi, has called for immediate action from the UN Security Council and global community to halt Israel’s actions that he deems illegal and disruptive to the historical and legal status quo at Jerusalem’s sacred sites.

What were Israel’s actions that so perturbed the Jordanian official? The Heritage Ministry announced on Monday that, for the first time since the summer of 1967, it “intends to launch guided tours of the Temple Mount, which will allow thousands of Jews, and hundreds of thousands of tourists who ascend the Mount every year, to hear for the first time about the Jewish heritage of the Mount in accurate historical terms, free of alternative facts and false narratives written to promote an antisemitic agenda.”


Two million shekels ($543 thousand) will be allocated to the project by Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu (Otzma Yehudit). The tours are expected to start right after the high holidays (Otzma Yehudit Scores Win in Battle with Enraged UTJ & Leftists over Temple Mount).

The Jordan Times on Tuesday ran the above-the-fold headline: “Jordan ‘strongly’ condemns Israeli minister’s decision to fund storming of Aqsa Mosque.”

Minister Safadi took to Twitter on Wednesday to emphasize Israel’s obligations as the occupying power. He stressed their responsibility to maintain the established historical and legal conditions at these revered locations.

Those established, historical, and legal conditions were established by Defense Minister Moshe Dayan in the summer of 1967, when he realized Chief Military Rabbi Shlomo Goren was planning to establish a synagogue in a corner of the Temple Mount. Dayan wrote in his diary at the time that he refused to allow the religious in Israel to erect their own Vatican in the heart of Jerusalem.

This is when Dayan kicked the chief military rabbi off the sacred compound and contacted the Jordanian charity Wakf to hand them the keys to the Temple Mount.

Mind you, for 19 years, until 1967, the Jordanians barred Jews not only from the Temple Mount but also from the Kotel and many other precious sites in the Old City of Jerusalem. They also paved roads with Jewish tombstones from the Mount Olives cemetery, they were an example of religious tolerance.

Arabs celebrating on the Temple Mount the October 7 atrocities in Gaza:

The Jordanian minister urged the Security Council to pass a binding resolution to prevent further Israeli violations and escalation at Al Aqsa Mosque/The Haram Al Sharif. Safadi underscored the critical need for swift intervention to prevent the situation from deteriorating further.

In other words, the UN security Council should proclaim that Jews must not enjoy their right to freedom of worship on the most sacred Jewish site in the world!

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu wrote in 2022 on the Srugim news website that the Arabs are afraid of Jews who pray. They know that the prayer of the Jews is more accepted in heaven than the prayer of the many Muslims on the Temple Mount.

They know that the day will come and we will sit on the Temple Mount, in the place of the Temple, and from this place, we will issue an abundance of light for all mankind. Great faith and joy for the whole world. An abundance of blessings for all the inhabitants of the world. Peace and brotherhood among all people. Justice and fairness. They know that it is also written in their Koran. They know God has not broken His promises and will never break them. God will bring all this abundance through his beloved children, “My firstborn Israel.”
Instead of being humble and accepting God’s will, they try to violate and replace it. They don’t realize how stupid and hopeless their actions are. They will never defeat God or make him break His word. Just as God has kept his promises since the establishment of the Jewish state and before, so will He continue to keep his promises and bring redemption to the world through the people of Israel, through Jerusalem, and through the mountain of God’s house.

This is why the Jordanians are calling innocent tour guides on the Temple Mount “storming,” just as they call every Jew who visits the Temple Mount a “storming settler.”

Redemption is near, and its signs are harsh and bitter:

Rabbi Eliezer the Great says (Mishna Sota 9): In the times of the approach of the Messiah, impudence will increase and high costs will pile up. Although the vine shall bring forth its fruit, wine will nevertheless be expensive. And the monarchy shall turn to heresy, and there will be no one to give reproof about this. The meeting place of the Sages will become a place of promiscuity, and the Galilee shall be destroyed, and the Golan will be desolate, and the men of the border shall go round from city to city to seek charity, but they will find no mercy.
And the wisdom of scribes will putrefy, and people who fear sin will be held in disgust, and the truth will be absent. The youth will shame the face of elders, elders will stand before minors. Normal family relations will be ruined: A son will disgrace a father; a daughter will rise up against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man’s enemies will be the members of his household. The face of the generation will be like the face of a dog; a son will no longer be ashamed before his father.
And on what can rely? Only on our Father in heaven.

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