Photo Credit: Israel Police
Shalshelet Gate. March 31, 2023

Police killed a terrorist on Friday night at the Temple Mount at the HaShalshelet (Chain) Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem.

A policeman noticed a suspicious individual standing opposite them for a few minutes. The policeman approached him and began talking with him. The policeman began to escort the man to his car and told him to come back later when the gate reopens for the Islamic holiday. The terrorist then surprised the policeman, grabbing the policeman’s gun from his holster and cocked the weapon. The policeman grabbed the terrorist in a choke hold, but the terrorist managed to fire off two shots towards the two border policewomen who were with him, but thankfully missed.


The policeman got the man down to the ground and managed to restrain the terrorist’s hand with the gun in it as the terrorist struggled to break free. A second policeman then shot the terrorist. The first policeman took back his gun and killed the terrorist.

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