Photo Credit: Courtesy of Magen David Adom
Coronavirus carrying Israeli voting in special booth, with MDA employees volunteering as local election teams. March 2, 2020.

The Central Election Commission, under the direction of the Health Ministry, has set up sixteen ballot boxes in secure tents across Israel, which will be operating from 10 AM to 5 PM Monday, to serve suspected Israeli coronavirus carriers who are quarantined and wish to exercise their democratic right without coming in contact with voters at the regular polling stations.

On Sunday, MDA members were briefed on running the Central Election Committee’s special poll booths, to ensure their safety, and the safety of voters and all citizens. Among other things, strong guidelines have been put in place, including wearing a full anti-infection protection kit. The teams have practiced and are prepared to run the polling stations.

Coronavirus carrying Israeli voting in special booth, with MDA employees volunteering as local election teams. March 2, 2020. / Courtesy of Magen David Adom

The Central Election Committee’s head of logistics, Yossi Toren, said in a statement: “The Election committee is working with MDA to establish sixteen voting stations across the country, so that tomorrow at 10:00, citizens who are in quarantine, can exercise their right to vote without endangering the other voters across the country. We thank Magen David Adom for their cooperation, readiness and willingness to assist, in order to enable the proper election process in the State of Israel.”

MDA Director General Eli Bin said in a statement: “Magen David Adom responded to the request of the Director General of the Central Elections Committee, Adv. Orly Adas, and the Director General of the Ministry of Health, Moshe Bar-Siman-Tov, to help enable Israelis who are in isolation, exercise their democratic right, and to vote in the Knesset elections, while making sure that there is no threat to the public health. MDA volunteers enlisted for the mission, operating at the special polling stations, will be protected at the highest level, with dedicated anti-infection kits. Magen David Adom works in full cooperation and coordination with the Ministry of Health, the Central Election Commission and other parties, and will continue to do everything possible to assist in the national effort of preventing the spread of the Coronavirus in Israel.”

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