Photo Credit: Olivier Fitousi/Flash90
Simcha Rothman. April 5, 2021

The Knesset Officer has stated that the threat level against MK Simcha Rothman, chairman of the Knesset’s Constitution Committee, has been raised to ‘especially high’, according to a report in Kipa. Yuval Segev from Galei Tzahal radio also reported that the Knesset Officer has ordered the reinforcement of security around Rothman, including the use of a protected vehicle and additional security guards.

While threats against Rothman are not new, but they have significantly increased following the passing the first reading of his judicial reform bills aimed at improving the method for selecting judges and restoring the balance of power between the branches. This has led to a surge of incitement and hatred against him in the streets and on social media platforms, particularly from the left-wing. The situation has been further exacerbated by open incitement from former left-wing politicians and officials, which has worried security officials.


Rothman is not the only politician in the coalition to have high security measures put in place.

Over a month ago, security around Justice Minister Yariv Levin was also increased due to growing threats on social media. The Knesset Officer received alarming information from security forces about concrete threats against both politicians and ordered extra caution be taken towards them.

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