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MK Oded Forer (R) vs. MK Ahmad Tibi.

On Wednesday, MK Ahmad Tibi (Hadash-Ta’al) took the Knesset podium to chastise his opponents who are in the process of collecting the necessary signatures to remove Tibi’s fellow faction member, MK Ofer Cassif, over his recent pro-Hamas and anti-Israel statements (Israel Beitenu Seeking 70 Signatures to Dismiss Hadash-Ta’al MK Ofer Cassif).

“How quickly about 80 MKs signed a petition to impeach an MK without a legal foundation,” MK Tibi said, noting that “according to legal opinions, this is meaningless.”


“You failed to get those MKs to sign off on forcing the government to immediately release the hostages as part of negotiations,” Tibi taunted the Jewish MKs in the plenum.

To which MK Oded Forer (Israel Beitenu), who initiated the petition, retorted: “Ask your friends in Hamas to release them.”

After the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, Tibi was appointed adviser on Israeli affairs to Yasser Arafat, who was appointed chairman of the Palestinian Authority. In November 1996, Tibi described his relationship with Arafat: “All my moves are carried out according to his instructions. I believe he has confidence in me, and I hope I justify it.” In 1998, Tibi served as the spokesman for the PA delegation at Wye Plantation talks.

The 1951 MKs’ Immunity Law grants members of the Knesset immunity from prosecution on criminal acts or civil wrongs that were committed while performing their duties. But this protection does not apply to non-random acts or statements that include any of the following:

(1) the denial of the existence of the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish people;
(2) denying the democratic nature of the state;
(3) incitement to racism due to color or belonging to race or national-ethnic origin;
(4) Supporting an armed struggle of an enemy state or acts of terrorism against the State of Israel or against Jews or Arabs due to being Jews or Arabs.

MK Cassif signed a petition against Israel, supporting the complaint filed by South Africa that accuses the Jewish State of committing “genocide” in Gaza. He also posted on social media that the Israeli government is committing “crimes” in the name of the people.

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