Photo Credit: Tefen’s Facebook
Tefen CEO and owner Mally Bitzur-Parnes

Tefen, Israel’s largest and oldest international consulting company, on Sunday published a survey it conducted among 2,170 hi-tech employees who appeared to be evenly split on the judicial reform: asked if the reform endangers Israel’s economy, 41% said it doesn’t, while 39% said it does.

However, the vast majority of respondents believe their company should stay out of politics – 77% said they personally do not and will not participate in the protests against the judicial reform, and 90% said the company they work for should not take an active role in the protests.


Only 12% of respondents said they participated or plan to participate in the protests.

Respondents were asked to evaluate their level of freedom to express their views at their company: 21% said they do not feel free to express their opinions at work; 22% said they were; and 57% said there should be no exchange of political views at the workplace.

Mally Bitzur-parnes, Tefen’s CEO and owner, told Israel Hayom that “contrary to what is being portrayed on the social networks, most hi-tech employees do not participate in protests and don’t believe their organizations should take part in them. They favor communications and negotiations, and oppose extremism, calls for civil disobedience, and refusal to serve in the IDF reserves. Most of them object to violence and to taking money out of the country, or any steps that harm Israel’s image.”

“The absolute majority of hi-tech employees in Israel want quiet, and to put the split behind us,” she stressed.

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