Israel-UAE Bilateral Trade Expected to Surpass Billion Dollars by End of 2021

Bilateral trade reached roughly $610 million between January and July 2021, while imports from the UAE to Israel totaled $400 million.

Friedman: Trump Plan Will Not Evict Jewish Communities in Judea and Samaria

“Having seen the experience of the evacuation of Gaza, I don’t believe that there is a realistic plan that can be implemented that would require anyone—Jew or Arab—to be forced to leave their home,” said U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman.

UN Secy-Gen Guterres Tours Terror Tunnel, Meets Southern Israeli Residents

“Hamas continues to arm itself in order to harm Israel as it exploits the generous humanitarian aid provided by the international community,” said Danon.

Jared Kushner Forms ‘Abraham Accords Institute for Peace’

"This is a peace among peoples as much as it is among nations. This will be the Institute’s focus – to nurture and deepen these human connections.”

Israel, UAE Work on Tel Aviv-Dubai-Abu Dhabi Route Over Saudi Arabia

The first thing that will be affected is what we see here: tourism. UAE residents want to come here and will come here.

U.S. Reportedly Offers Israel Pollard Prisoner Exchange for PA Terrorists

The United States has pulled its ace in the hole, offering a swap to free imprisoned Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard in exchange for 26 Palestinian Authority terrorist prisoners in Israeli jails.

PM Netanyahu Eulogizes IDF Major Hagai Ben Ari, z’l

PM Netanyahu said IDF Major Ben Ari, z'l was an elite commander, a "courageous fighter, he was the salt of the earth."

US Ambassador Friedman Convinced Embassy Will Move to Jerusalem

"It is not a question of 'if' -- it is a question of 'when' -- and I take the president at his word."

It’s Starting: Trump Demands Israel Transfer Land to Arabs BEFORE Deal

Israeli ambassador to the US Ron Dermer reportedly characterized Steve Bannon as the most pro-Israel member of the Administration.

Netanyahu to Visit Turkey, First Premier to do so Since 2008

Turkey will also host Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas, who will fly to Ankara on July 25.

Ban Ki-Moon Tries New Sales Pitch to Stab Israel in the Back

Beware of false friends. Ban Ki-moon tries to soften up Israel by admitting that the U.N. sometimes is biased against Israel, but not to worry, because peace is on the way.

France Postpones May 30 Conference on ‘Peace Initiative’ Postponed

France has postponed its "peace initiative" because U.S. Secy of State John Kerry is unavailable.

Kushner Leads US Delegation in Another Attempt at Mideast Peace

"All parties need to engage in creating an environment conducive to peace-making while affording the negotiators and facilitators the time and space they need to reach a deal."

High Court Calls on State to Provide Alternative Housing for Khan al-Ahmar Squatters

During the hearing, the squatters' attorneys made it clear that their clients were not willing to move too far from the current location of their shantytown, at most "a hundred or two hundred meters."

Much Ado About Nothing with Capsules, Masks and the White House

The Israelis allegedly were asking for their delegation to receive a separate capsule from the rest of the attendees.

Hamas-Fatah Talks in Moscow Also Hope to Deter Trump From Moving US Embassy to...

Russia is brokering reconciliation talks between Hamas and Fatah in Moscow; both ask for help with the new US president-elect.

Israel: ‘You Don’t Need to go to Paris to Solve Conflict’

On the eve of the French peace conference to help foster peace between Israelis and the Palestinian Authority, Director-General of the Israeli Foreign Ministry Dore Gold is less than optimistic.

Abbas Defies Trump Peace Agenda, Reiterates Vow to Pay Terrorists, ‘Martyr’ Families

“There should only be one authority, one weapon, one law, and one political program based on the Palestine Liberation Organization’s agenda."

Erekat: First 26 Arab Terrorist Prisoners to be Released Aug. 13

26 of the 104 Arab Palestinian prisoners will be released on Aug. 13, according to Arab negotiator Saeb Erekat

Netanyahu’s Circle: Ron Lauder Prepped Abbas for Trump Meet

Abbas, it turns out, was an attentive student and managed to forge a personal chemistry with Trump.

Showcase ‘Price Tag’ Indictments Turn Out to Be a Witch Hunt

A court has thrown out “showcase” indictments against supposed “price tag” vandals, two weeks after judges acquitted Lieberman, raising questions of a witch hunt against the right wing.

NY Times Says Abbas Has Given Up on Establishing PA State

The New York Times' editorial Thursday uncharacteristically criticized Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

AP Reporter: Is Construction Deal Killer Despite Murderers’ Release

Reporters at the Aug. 13 State Dept. press briefing pummeled the spokesperson about whether Israel's plan to construct housing units across the "green line" would scuttle the peace talks

Greenblatt: Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria Not Illegal, Land not ‘Palestinian’

Envoy says after spending more than three years traveling to Arab capitals, he “came to learn that we agree on far more than we disagree on.”

President Herzog Rallying Lapid, Netanyahu to Cooperate Against UN’s ICC Recommendation

The ICC will determine whether Israel’s stay in Judea and Samaria constitutes "continuous occupation," a de facto annexation.

US Envoys Call for ‘Universal Condemnation of Barkan Terror, Support for Grieving Families

“The Barkan industrial center is a beacon for coexistence and a model for the future,” wrote Greenblatt. "Today a terrorist shattered that harmony," Friedman pointed out.

PA Targets Dahlan Following His Criticism of their Attacks on the UAE

Palestinian Authority security forces have arrested a number of political activists associated with Muhammad Dahlan after he criticized the PA for burning United Arab Emirates (UAE) flags and insulting Arab rulers who announced the normalization of ties with Israel.

Israeli Right Attacks AIPAC’s ‘Obsolete’ Two State Solution

"We urge you, the honorable AIPAC leadership and members, to revise you policy and mold your vision taking into account lessons of the past, existing realities and the will of the people of Israel."


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