Photo Credit: Official WH Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian via Flickr CC
Just after signing of the Abraham Accords, Sept. 15, 2020

Former White House senior adviser and son-in-law to President Donald Trump Jared Kushner – architect of the historic Abraham Accords – Ivanka Kushner (Jared’s wife), former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will attend the launch next Monday of the Friedman Center to Advance Peace Made by the Abraham Accords by former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman.

Israeli Opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu, who was prime minister at the time, and whose government made and signed the agreements with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco — Israel’s partners in the Abraham Accords.


At the dinner, Pompeo will be presented with the Center’s inaugural “Peace Through Strength” award.

“Since leaving office, I felt it important to preserve the legacy and advance the message of the Abraham Accords through the voices of those responsible for this extraordinary achievement,” Friedman said in announcing the inauguration.

A documentary film intended to “inspire other nations and other leaders to embrace this path to peace” will be unveiled during the Center’s opening.

The event is co-sponsored and co-chaired by Simon Wiesenthal Center chairman Larry Mizel, who is also a founder of the Museum of Tolerance in Jerusalem, and by Israeli-Canadian businessman and philanthropist Sylvan Adams.

Kushner is the co-founder and chairman of the Abraham Accords Peace Institute, which he launched together with his wife Ivanka and Israeli-American philanthropist Haim Saban.

The Trump “peace team” will also attend the inaugural session of the Israeli Knesset Abraham Accords Caucus earlier in the day.

Knesset Speaker Mickey Levy, Defense Minister Benny Gantz and other top Israeli officials and lawmakers will also attend, as will Netanyahu and various Israeli mayors and international ambassadors.

The initial session of the Caucus will focus on deepening relations with countries in the region as well as on the economic and tourism potential that has been a hallmark of the success that followed the signing of the Accords.

The Caucus will also devote time to the possibility of new agreements with more Middle Eastern countries, The Jerusalem Post reported.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.