Photo Credit: Aharon Krohn / Flash 90
U.S. Special Representative to International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt

The Trump Administration’s Middle East peace plan will once again have to wait until there is a definitive government in place in the State of Israel, with whom it can discuss the details.

That’s what the conclusion seems to be after special envoy Jason Greenblatt finally had the chance to meet with all of the players in the electoral drama working its way through the system in the Jewish State.


The outgoing US Middle East peace envoy joined US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman at a meeting on Monday afternoon with the leader of the Blue and White party, Benny Gantz.

The meeting was finally arranged three days after Greenblatt’s initial attempt to reach Gantz for a get—together shortly after his arrival last Thursday. He was able to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by Friday, and also with President Reuven Rivlin as well.

But Gantz proved elusive, with his party spokesperson’s offering cagey responses as to whether his boss would be able to find the time to meet with the American envoy.

The US Embassy said in a statement that Greenblatt, Friedman and Gantz had a “cordial discussion on various topics, including the importance of the US-Israel relationship, security challenges within the region and efforts to promote peace.”

But it appears for now that the Trump White House has decided to hold back on rolling out its “deal of the century” until a new Israeli government is formed — or until Israel is once again sent back to the polls to choose one.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.