Photo Credit: Screenshot from Golan Heights Winery's website
Golan Heights Winery's award winning Yarden wines.

Israel’s normalization agreement with the United Arab Emirates just yielded another major benefit: the Golan Heights Winery has signed a deal to sell its wines to the Gulf states starting this week.

The deal was made through the UAE marketing company A&E (African and Eastern), a Dubai-based importer and distributor of major wine and alcohol brands in the Gulf region.


The Golan wines will be marketed in wine shops, hotels, leading restaurants, and other popular hotspots where there is a demand for wines. Since the Gulf states are Muslim, the wines will be available for purchase indoors and not in street shops.

The first contract will be signed with Dubai, and later with other emirates. A&E will market a variety of wines from the Golan Heights Winery leading labels: Yarden, Gamla, and Mount Hermon.

The Golan Heights Winery is the leading Israeli exporter of wines to many countries around the world. Its wines are relatively expensive, with a price range that begins at around $10 a bottle.

Until the signing of the recent peace deal, the UAE completely banned Israeli wines, most certainly wines from the Golan Heights.

African and Eastern CEO Jason Dixon said in a statement: “The Golan Heights Winery is one of the leading and most decorated wineries in Israel, and we are excited to bring for the first time to our customers in the UAE the unique wines of this winery. This is a historic launch, and we look forward to a successful and long-lasting collaboration.”

Yair Shapira, CEO of the Golan Heights Winery said in a statement: “The distribution agreement with A&E is a particularly exciting historical moment for the Israeli wine industry and us in particular. We will represent the wine industry to the residents of Dubai and its guests. This is a breakthrough and entry into a new market with unique potential.”

African and Eastern prides itself on continuing a 100-year tradition of importing alcoholic goods from Europe to Africa and the Middle East and claims to be the largest importer, distributor, and retailer of alcoholic beverages in the Middle East and the Gulf region.

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