Photo Credit: Baruch Padeh-Poriya Medical Center Spokesperson's office
Amram and Itai Raymond with their new daughters

Double congratulations to the brothers Amram and Itai Raymond of the historic moshava (colony) of Yavne’el (founded in 1901), whose wives Feiga and Malka gave birth a few hours apart on the same day in the maternity ward of Baruch Padeh (Poriya) Medical Center just south of T’veria.

There was double the joy for the Raymond family in the delivery room. The two brothers had not imagined that their wives would give birth together, only a few hours apart. We met the two sisters-in-law who shared a room in the maternity ward and they told us about the exciting coincidence and about their mother-in-law who moved from one delivery room to another.

Amram, Itai, Feiga and Malka Raymond with their new daughters. / Baruch Padeh-Poriya Medical Center Spokesperson’s office

The first to give birth was Feiga, Amram’s wife. Feiga arrived at the delivery room before dawn on Sunday this week, in the advanced stages of delivery. Two hours later, her and Amram’s second daughter was born and her parents named her Yael.

While Feiga was recovering in the delivery room, she received a message from her sister-in-law Malka that she was on her way from Yavne’el to Padeh Poriya Medical Center.

Malka and Itai arrived at the delivery room after Malka began having labor pains earlier than expected. At 6 PM, their firstborn daughter Shir’el was born.

Malka said, “I gave birth at week 37 and Feiga gave birth at week 42, so we never thought we would meet in the same delivery room at the same time…”

And Feiga said, “We had an amazing experience. We laughed about the possibility a few times at home but neither one of us believe it would really happen because our estimated dates of birth were five weeks apart.”

Feiga added: “I want to thank the whole team for the wonderful experience we had, and the amazing treatment we received.”

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