Photo Credit: Moraz Brom/Flash90
Moraz Brom/Flash90

Winter has been making its rounds in Israel these past few weeks, including floods in the south and in the coastal cities, and snow on the Golan Heights and other mountainous areas up north. If you close your eyes you’d think you’re in Canada. The warmer parts, anyway.

Snow on the highway, northern Golan Heights, January 19, 2022. / Michael Giladi/Flash90
A family playing in the snow in the northern Golan Heights, January 19, 2022. / Michael Giladi/Flash90
Israelis celebrate the snowfall in Tsfat, January 19, 2022. / David Cohen/Flash90
Deer in the snow, Moshav Odem, the Golan Heights, January 19, 2022. / Moraz Brom/Flash90
Deer in the snow, Moshav Odem, the Golan Heights, January 19, 2022. / Moraz Brom/Flash90
Cows in the snow, northern Golan Heights, January 19, 2022. / Michael Giladi/Flash90
A cow in the snow next to a landmine warning, northern Golan Heights, January 19, 2022. / Michael Giladi/Flash90
A cow in the snow, northern Golan Heights, January 19, 2022. / Michael Giladi/Flash90

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