“Yad Vashem will not be involved in group visits to any site suspected of distorting the events of the Holocaust or presenting a historically inaccurate narrative,” the organization said in a press release Monday night, adding that they expect “all educational visits from Israel to Poland in the future will be conducted accordingly.”
On Monday, we reported (Israel Capitulates to Poland’s Demands to Expose Jewish Children to Holocaust Revisionism Industry) that a cooperation agreement between Israel and Poland had been signed and is awaiting ratification by both countries’ parliaments, which includes an article that states that the “program of educational study visits will include in particular … study visits to sites commemorating the Holocaust and other crimes of the World War II, and additional sites, of special importance, to each nation’s history.”
This article exposes visiting Israeli teens to the entire Polish revisionism industry that whitewashes any trace of responsibility on the part of so many thousands of Poles in turning in Jews to the Germans, stealing Jewish property, and, after the war, of lynching the few concentration camp prisoners who returned to their homes.
“…the annex of the agreement contains a list of sites, compiled without Yad Vashem, which includes problematic sites that should not be visited in an educational context. In any case, the agreement does not mandate visiting these sites,” stresses the Yad Vashem press release.
Former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, whose father was a Holocaust survivor, refused to acquiesce to the Polish terms, causing a crisis in the relationship between the two countries. His successor either didn’t read the small print or didn’t assign to it a similar value.
Our report on Monday includes a disturbingly long list of Polish museums and other sites dedicated to erasing the record of Polish atrocities during WW2.