Photo Credit: IDF
IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot discusses security issues after three personnel were killed and a fourth seriously wounded in a terror attack at Har Adar on Sept. 26 2017

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman won’t distance activists from the foreign-funded leftwing NGO Machsom Watch from standing near IDF and security checkpoints, according to a report on

Women from the Machsom Watch NGO stand near IDF checkpoints, and according to some claims, harass and bother the IDF soldiers and personnel manning the security checkpoints.


The report states that the request to distance the activists from the checkpoints came up after the Har Adar terror attack.

Two Machsom Watch activists were reported to have been bothering Border Policeman, Sergeant Solomon Gaviriya, 20, from Be’er Yaacov, who was then killed by a terrorist moments later, at the security checkpoint at an entrance to the town of Har Adar.

Three people, Solomon Gaviriya, Youssef Ottman and Or Arish, were murdered in the Har Adar terror attack, and a fourth man, the town’s security coordinator, was wounded.

According to Border Policemen who were present, Gaviriya asked the women to identify themselves and distance themselves from the gate. Words were exchanged and they moved away.

The Border Policemen claim Machsom Watch activist Hana Berg and the second activist told Gaviriya, “Ata Boosha” – “You’re an embarrassment.” She denies she said that to him.

Machsom Watch has been funded by the New Israel Fund, Open Society Foundation and the governments of Norway and Switzerland and the European Union. The foreign-funded activists stand near security checkpoints in Judea and Samaria often filming the soldiers and guards, and there are claims that they occasionally harass the soldiers too.

Machsom Watch has a long controversial history, in 2011, Machsom Watch activists visited the home of the terrorist who murdered the Fogel family in Itamar to comfort the terrorist’s family.

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