Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was not given to euphemisms and elegant language. Like his predecessor, Golda Meir, he packed a lot of hate: hate for Arabs, hate for the settlers, and hate for the Yordim, Israelis who left their country to pursue better lives abroad. He called the latter group Nefolet shel Nemoshot, which is barely comprehensible in Hebrew, never mind translatable. I suppose the nearest English version of this acerbic putdown is “a fallout of wimps.”
History is so funny. When Rabin coined his strange phrase, he was referring to right-wing Israelis abroad who were critical of the Oslo agreements. Today, the fallout of wimps is made up of extreme leftist DIBs, the best that Marin County, Ca. has to offer.
According to reporter Yossi Baum, UnXeptable parallels two other anarchist groups erected and financed by Jewish American money, Crime Minister, and The Black Flags. It was founded in 2020 by Israelis seeking a better life outside Israel, and one of their first protests was – get ready for this – outside the White House during the Abraham Accords signing ceremony.
What was wrong with the Abraham Accords? For one thing, it proved Israel could forge strong ties in the Middle East without the two-state solution, the cornerstone of the Israeli left’s messianic manifest; for another, it involved Netanyahu and Trump, the two most hated figures by the American left.
1/2 ✊⏳It’s Time to Save Israel from Netanyahu – Israel As We Know It is Still There and Worth Fighting For. pic.twitter.com/H1aZTrMWrq
— UnXeptable (@UnxeptableD) July 8, 2024
UnXeptable drove the brutal harassment campaign in Philadelphia against billionaire philanthropist Arthur Danczyk, an extremely private man who capitulated and terminated his donations to the right-wing Jerusalem-based think tank Kohelet.
UnXeptable receives donations via AID Coalition, which also funnels funds for vehement anarchist groups such as NYC 4 Democracy, Brothers & Sisters in Arms, and Kaplan Force. It is strongly aligned with the left-leaning “Pro-Democratic Israel Movement,” which is striving to take over the World Zionist Congress.
The UnXeptable and NYC 4 Democracy demonstrations in the US during Netanyahu’s visit in September 2023 were paid for by the Fund for a New Israel (which more accurately describes its aims than ‘New Israel Fund’), whose website’s images of the demonstrations include PLO flags.

The current “Netanyahu Non-Grata” campaign is not a random UnXeptable initiative. Behind it are eight “Progressive Israel” organizations, paid for by the NIF and J Street.
— Alon Pinkas (@AlonPinkas) July 23, 2024
UnXeptable has been able to unite anti-Israel American Jews against the right-wing majority government, pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into a persistent campaign giving the impression of a mass movement. They’ve also been able to coalesce with anti-Israel Jews around the globe, in Western Europe, Australia, and Japan. Their online activity is relentless, reflecting the massive investments in the group by individuals like Yonatan Barsade (pronounced Bar Sadeh), co-founder and President of Elite Street Capital.
Barsade is the President of the prestigious America-Israel Friendship League (AIFL) which was founded in 1971 by centrist US politicians such as Hubert Humphrey, Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson, and NY Governor and later VP Nelson Rockefeller. Barsade, who founded the AID Coalition, has been able to attract many Israeli and American celebrities to support AIFL, and by extension, the protest movement in Israel.
UnXeptable and Barsade are part of a revolutionary phase in the relationship between capital and government: whereas in most capitalistic countries, it is the political right-wing power centers that collaborate with the moneyed class against the left and the labor unions, in Israel the reality is quite clearly upside down: the Israeli left, who wouldn’t recognize Karl Marx’s Das Kapital if it hit them in the head while setting a bonfire on Ayalon Highway, is in cahoots with the country’s and the world’s billionaires and millionaires against a majority government that essentially represents the middle and working classes.