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Moshe Tamam’s family celebrating after a court rejected the appeal for an early prole to the terrorist who murdered their loved one.

Im Tirtzu is pushing for the dissolution of the Association for Arab Youth – Baladna which supports the early release of terrorist Walid Daka.

In 1984, Walid Daka, a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, was involved in the kidnapping, torture, and murder of IDF soldier Moshe Tamam. He was sentenced to life imprisonment, and as a terrorist is usually not entitled to regular parole hearings. Im Tirtzu and other right-wing groups caught wind of the state prosecution’s attempt to send Daka to a routine parole hearing, citing his advanced cancer. The court this week blocked the move and sent the terrorist to a special panel on terrorists’ paroles, where his chances of a reprieve are low, God willing.


Baladna Arab Youth Association, which is dedicated to the “Palestinian right of return” within Israel’s 1967 borders, which, if implemented, would mean the elimination of Israel as a Jewish state, has been advocating for the terrorist’s early release on medical grounds.

In response, Im Tirtzu filed a complaint against Baladna with the Registrar of Associations, on a long series of violations and offenses.

In the complaint, Im Tirtzu alleges that Baladna on numerous occasions violated the law, including false financial reports, failure to report contributions from foreign political entities in quarterly reports, and failure to publish quarterly reports on the association’s website, thus hiding information and creating a false representation.

The complaint details several cases in which Baladna consistently ignored the inspection report carried out by the Registrar of Associations, and its lack of commitment to correct those deficiencies. The complaint exposes Baladna’s illegal actions in inciting against mandatory service, denying the validity of the State of Israel, and supporting terrorism.

Baladna was not on former Defense Minister Benny Gantz’s list of NGOs that were banned for supporting terror organizations.

Im Tirtzu stated that “for several years, Baladna has been working to promote Palestinian nationalism from within the State of Israel with funding from foreign governments. Im Tirtzu has sent several complaints over the years against Baladna’s activities, but so far, these accusations have not received an adequate response. At the same time, complaints were filed in the past about improper financial conduct and violations of the Associations Laws and the Obligation under the Disclosure Law regarding NGOs that are supported by a foreign political entity, and here, too, we did not receive a proper response.”

“We demand that the Registry of Associations take immediate action against the association,” Im Tirtzu concluded.

According to NGO Monitor, in 2019, Baladna’s total income was NIS 1.5 million; total expenses were NIS 1.1 million.

Baladna’s donors (based on its annual reports) include the European Union, Broederlijk Delen (Belgium), CCFD (France), HEKS (Switzerland), Euro-Mediterranean Foundation of Support to Human Rights Defenders, Grassroots International, Galilee Foundation, and American Friends Service Committee (AFSC).

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