On Monday, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas called on the UN to kick out Israel and compared the Jewish State to the Nazis. Speaking at the first official UN Nakba commemoration ceremony, Abbas declared: “The Zionist and Israeli falsehoods continue, claiming that Israel has turned the desert into a blooming garden. Palestine was a desert and they turned it into something glittering, a paradise on Earth. They behave like Goebbels: lie, lie, lie, and in the end, people will believe you.”
In 1982, Abbas completed his doctoral studies in history at Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow. His doctoral thesis was submitted in Russian under the title “The Connections between Nazism and Zionism between the years 1933 – 1945.” The work was the basis of a book he wrote in Arabic called, “The Other Face: the secret connections between the Nazis and the leadership of the Zionist movement.”
Abbas claimed in the book that the Zionist movement cooperated with the Nazis in the destruction of the Jewish people, in exchange for an agreement between Nazi Germany and the Jewish Agency, under which the property of tens of thousands of Jews from Germany would be transferred to the Land of Israel.
In response, US Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Deborah Lipstadt on Wednesday tweeted: “PA President Abbas’s equating Israel with the lies of top Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels is an affront to Holocaust victims and survivors. Especially during a time of rising antisemitic violence throughout the world, such rhetoric about the world’s only Jewish state is entirely unacceptable.”
Those of us who are not easily heartened by statements from American officials, noticed that Lipstadt referred to the aging antisemite from Ramallah as “PA President.” Since the PA is not a state yet, thank God, how can it have a president? The common and more appropriate title is “PA Chairman,” since he is the head of an “authority,” not a country.
So, I checked the White House website (so you won’t have to), and discovered a slew of press releases referring to meetings and communications between President Biden and President Abbas, most recently on July 15, 2022: “Remarks by President Biden and President Abbas of the Palestinian National Authority in Joint Press Statement | Bethlehem, West Bank.”
So, I went ahead and plugged the term “two-state solution” in the same White House website, and found the most recent reference in a press release dated March 19, 2023: “Readout of President Joe Biden’s Call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.” It read: “The President reinforced the need for all sides to take urgent, collaborative steps to enhance security coordination, condemn all acts of terrorism, and maintain the viability of a two-state solution.”
In searching the Internet for current references to the 2-state solution, I ran into an April 2010 quote from then Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon that “just as Arabs live in Israel, so, too, should Jews be able to live in Palestine. … If we are talking about coexistence and peace, why the [Palestinian] insistence that the territory they receive be ethnically cleansed of Jews?”
Not only is there no serious discussion of this cogent and reasonable question, Moshe Yaalon himself has jumped ship from the camp that still resists the idea of a Palestinian state, to the camp that spews anti-Jewish settlement propaganda.
Finally, in the forward to his antisemitic book, Abbas wrote: “Zionism first spoke of twelve million who were exterminated in these concentration camps, then the number was greatly reduced and became half, that is, to only six million. Then the number was reduced even more and became four million because it cannot be that the Germans killed or destroyed more Jews than there were in the world during this period. In fact, the real number is much smaller than these false millions. Historian and author Raul Hilberg believes that the number does not exceed 896,000.”
It is staggering how many vile lies the chairman was able to pack into the paragraph above. Maybe that’s why the Biden White House salutes him as “president?” Someone should ask Deborah Lipstadt.