Photo Credit: Ela'ad Eliahu / video screengrab via Twitter
A Jewish man is bloodied by anti-Israel "protesters" in New York City

Hundreds of anti-Israel demonstrators gathered last week outside the Israel Embassy in New York City last week to protest the IDF “Operation Guardian of the Walls” military operation against Hamas.

Counter protesters expressing support for Israel also gathered at the site.


The pro-Israel protesters were attacked by the pro-Palestinian demonstrators, according to multiple US sources. The two groups had been trading chants and insults until the physical confrontations began with punches being thrown. A Jewish man was bashed in the head by pro-Palestinian “protesters” who then chased the victim as he was being escorted by police to a safe building across the street.


(Videographer: Ela’ad Eliahu, posted to Twitter by journalist Andy Ngo)

In Bay Ridge, Brooklyn on Sunday, hours before the start of the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, pro-Palestinian protesters chanted, “There is only one solution, intifada revolution.” Others chanted “From the river to the sea” and equated Israel with Nazi Germany.

(Videos: Ela’ad Elihau via Twitter)

US mainstream media has been meticulously covering the number of injured and dead in Gaza but without bothering to point out that many are terrorists and the Israeli air strikes were surgical strikes. Nor did they bother to cover the number of injured, dead and permanent traumatized in Israel, where a six-year-old child in Sderot was killed in a rocket attack, and a man was murdered in a lynch by Israeli Arabs in Lod, among other victims.

Those who are already upset by the events taking place in the region, regardless of justification, are further inflamed and incited to violence by the skewed coverage of the American mainstream media.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.