Photo Credit: TikTok screenshots
Hillcrest high school teacher with the sign that started the anti-Israel riot.

According to the NYPD, school safety agents at Hillcrest High School in Jamaica, Queens, last Monday “requested the response of the school sergeant in regard to a disorderly group of students inside of the location.”

According to the NY Post, hundreds of “radicalized” kids rioted for almost two hours in the halls of the high school shortly after 11 AM on Monday, November 20, after finding out that one of their teachers had attended a pro-Israel rally on October 9, two days after the Hamas massacre. The terrified teacher had to hide in a locked office while the wilding tweens were pushing their way into her classroom.


“Hundreds of kids flooded into hallways and ran amok, chanting, jumping, shouting, and waving Palestinian flags or banners,” the NY Post reported on Saturday.

The teacher told the NY Post: “I have been a teacher for 23 years in the New York City public school system, for the last seven at Hillcrest High School. I have worked hard to be supportive of our entire student body and an advocate for our community and was shaken to my core by the calls to violence against me that occurred online and outside my classroom last week. No one should ever feel unsafe at school — students and teachers alike.”

According to reports, a large contingency of NYPD officers arrived on the scene around 11:20 AM and fought for an hour and a half to subdue the riot.

City Councilman James Gennaro (D-Queens) told the NY Post: “Whether it was one student or multiple students who did or said something, whatever the trigger was, something happened. And I know from my many years on the City Council that the counterterrorism task force is not engaged unless they believe it is potentially a serious situation.”

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