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Pro-terror demonstrations at Columbia University, April 2024

Two Jewish advocacy and empowerment organizations have teamed up to create a new tool aimed at helping North American Jews who are facing antisemitism on campus and in the workplace.

Career Up Now and Aish this week announced the partnership and their new “Self-Advocacy Guide for Addressing Workplace Antisemitism and Anti-Israel Sentiment”.


The new guide comes with an innovative AI tool to help combat the rising tide of antisemitism in professional settings.

Click here to download the self-advocacy guide.

“Antisemitism has always been present, but the current climate has taken it to disturbing new levels in the workplace,” said Bradley Cook, executive director of Career Up Now and a direct descendant of Rabbi Yosef Caro, who codified the Shulchan Aruch.

Cook is also an alumnus of Aish, whose mission is to help people live inspired lives and connect to their roots by spreading Jewish Wisdom to the world. “What used to be insensitive comments have now escalated to outright vitriol and hostility toward Jewish employees and those supportive of Israel,” he noted.

In response to this alarming trend, Career Up Now surveyed its 2,500 members, many of whom shared harrowing stories of encountering antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment at their schools or workplaces.

The survey revealed a widespread lack of confidence in knowing how to respond effectively without escalating conflicts.

More than a third of college students reported hiding their Jewish identity due to these pressures.

The 32-page self-advocacy guide aims to fill this void by providing Jewish professionals with practical strategies for understanding their rights, recognizing when lines are crossed, advocating for themselves, educating others, reporting incidents, and building supportive communities. Each section includes real-world scenarios and suggested scripted responses.

“This is of particular interest to our audience at this time due to the rising waves of antisemitism spreading across college campuses and Western countries right now,” explained Aish CEO Rabbi Steven Burg.

“This is one of the many steps that we are taking to empower our fellow Jews and combat this dangerous trend that can isolate and cause anguish for so many people. We are proud to be able to partner with Bradley and share his meaningful work, and we hope that it helps many people. Bradley is just one of many Aish Alumni who are taking responsibility to make the world better and making a large impact around the globe.”

“Our goal is not to escalate conflicts, but to establish necessary boundaries and open lines of communication that foster a safe and respectful learning and work environment,” explained Cook, whose background in special education helped shape the guide’s accessible approach.

Complementing the guide is a cutting-edge AI tool that allows users to input their specific situations and receive tailored responses drawn from the guide’s content, as well as resources from the US Department of Labor and the Anti-Defamation League. The innovative technology ensures that Jewish professionals always have a reliable resource at their fingertips.

“With antisemitism on the rise globally, we recognized the urgent need to equip 100,000 people with these vital tools by the end of the year,” Cook said. “Just as Rabbi Yosef Caro’s Shulchan Aruch unified the Jewish people centuries ago, we hope this modern-day ‘Shulchan Aruch’ will bring unity by empowering Jews to confront hate with confidence and dignity.”

The self-advocacy guide and AI tool were made possible through generous funding from the Suzanne Dryan Felson’s Fund, Etrog Fund #1, and the Schusterman Family Philanthropies ROI Real-Time Challenge Grant.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.