The International Observatory for Human Rights and B’nai B’rith International Portugal honored on Sunday a project that brings together Jews and Muslims in the United States: the Mukhayriq Initiative.
The project is based on the example of Rabbi Mukhayriq ben al-Nadir, who fought and gave his life in defense of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad in the year 625 CE.
Rabbi Mukhayiriq ben al-Nadir was a Jewish scholar who lived in Medina in Arabia and who was considered by Mohammed as “the best of the Jews”.
The Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) was also recognized for its part in uniting Jewish and Muslim organizations and individuals around the historic Rabbi Mukhayriq.
The event took place in Porto, whose Jewish community was one of the founding members of the initiative along with senior figures from the world of politics, academia and security.
“In today’s turbulent world, with antisemitic hatred on the rise in the aftermath of October 7th, the imperative for renewed Muslim-Jewish allyship is more acute than ever”, said Shira Granot, CAM’s director of community engagement.
“Contrary to common wisdom, history shows that Muslims and Jews are not fated to be enemies, as Rabbi Mukhayriq’s life story proves. With courage and forward thinking, we can shift the current paradigm and revitalize Muslim-Jewish relations as an inspiring symbol of inter-communal unity and social solidarity to be emulated by peoples of all faiths and backgrounds globally,” Granot said.
“As we have been doing here in Porto for many years, it is important that we maintain dialogue between ourselves, Jewish and Muslim leaders, to set an example for the members of our communities who still view each other with suspicion,” Abdul Manga, president of the Muslim community in Porto added.
“I always remember the example of Abu Dhabi, where in one block there is a synagogue, a church and a mosque, which are symbols of the peaceful coexistence that should always exist between us all.”
Prof. Bacelar Vasconcelos, a former president of the First Committee of the Portuguese Parliament and the national coordinator of the European strategy for the promotion of Jewish life and the fight against antisemitism, called the project “an exemplary initiative because it promises relief and hope in a world experiencing tragic upheaval with daily hatred and brutality.”
Vasconcelos noted that it was religious figures who sought relationships capable of uniting broad communities, “promising them security, prohibiting destructive behavior and building values and principles that tend to be universal.”
Luís Andrade, President of the International Observatory of Human Rights said that Rabbi Mukhayriq contributed to the “progress of humanity” by “seeking convergence, peace and harmony between Jews and Muslims, for which he sacrificed his own life.”
David Nataf, Vice President of B’nai B’rith Portugal emphasized that it is important to recall “major figures of our people” to ensure that the world does not forget that Jews are “also worthy” of human rights.