Photo Credit: FLASH90
Kanye West performs at Ramat Gan National Stadium, September 30, 2015., a grassroots watchdog dedicated to exposing groups and individuals that incite against Jews and the Jewish State and engage in antisemitic behaviors, did not have to look far this time to pick its Antisemite of the Year 2022. It’s like Kanye West (a.k.a. Ye) was begging for it.

Here’s their tweet announcing the dubious honor they bestowed on this mentally failing rapper who probably should be sheltered in an institution where he can’t harm others or himself.


Last year, picked Ben & Jerry’s Anuradha Mittal, and in 2020 they selected NYC “Palestinian” organizer Nerdeen Kiswani.

The folks at say they have developed a unique and dedicated following, and reach millions of individuals through social media, mailers, and the website.

“By publicly exposing antisemites, StopAntisemitism has created an environment where those who propagate hatred against the Jewish people are met with real-world consequences including but not limited to job loss and school expulsions,” the group claims.

By the way, Kanye West’s net worth used to be as high as $2 billion, but according to Forbes, as of 2022, his estimated worth is down to $400 million. He is still among the wealthiest musicians in the world, but, you know, less so.

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