Photo Credit: Hadas Parush/Flash90
Sha'arei Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem, June 12, 2019.

The Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT), together with the Netzach Educational Network, on Monday, launched a new preparatory program for Haredi men and women seeking to become physicians.

Obtaining a medical degree is a challenge for every Israeli student, but it is especially true for Haredim, who must deal with the intensity of the academic studies required to enter medical schools in the country while overcoming cultural differences and compensate for the low standard for science and math education in most Haredi schools.


The new program offers separate courses for men and women. The program is designed for students who already have a bachelor’s degree, with six-hour classes twice a week for three semesters over 15 months, and with additional online units for independent study. The goal is to prepare students for success in the entrance examinations at Israel’s medical schools.

The program is led by Dr. Sara Genut, head of the JCT Bioinformatics Department, who has extensive experience preparing students for medical school.

Health Minister Moshe Arbel said: “Establishing a Haredi preparatory program for medical school is a great blessing, which will enable the integration of Haredi students in the world of medicine and, in doing so, help them look ahead to the future, for the benefit of the entire healthcare system.

“Thanks to the high level of education found in the Jerusalem College of Technology, a school that has successfully integrated different populations who aspire to excellence, we will be able to see in the coming years young doctors from all walks of life taking their place at the forefront of hospitals and medical centers across the country.”

The program is designed to support and empower Haredi students, particularly women, some of whom already have children. It includes workshops on cultural competence, in preparation for entering a profession that serves people from different cultures. It also covers issues of halacha and medical ethics. As part of the program, those who are accepted to medical school after the course will be supported throughout their medical studies by Haredi physicians as mentors.

Forty candidates have been accepted to the program out of 150 applicants. They demonstrated the high aptitude levels required for success in medical school, as well as a recognized undergraduate in a relevant scientific subject, or nursing, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. Partial scholarships were offered to qualified students.

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