Neo-Nazi Sabbath March Set for August in Liverpool
Another neo-Nazi march is set for a Sabbath in Britain, this time for August in Liverpool.
Rivlin at Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony: We Will Continue to Survive and Battle Anti-Semitism
Rivlin addressed the Holocaust survivors attending the ceremony, asking for their help in extracting the meaning of the tragedy and lessons to be learned.
Miraculous Family Reunion to Take Place at Yad Vashem
Neither side of the family knew anyone from the other side had survived the Holocaust!
Jewish Man Discovers his Mom’s Home in Krakow Starred on ‘Schindler’s List’
The courtyard of the house at 12 Jozefa was called, "the most beautiful courtyard in Kazimierz."
80 Years After Babi Yar, Rare Photos Reveal Struggle to Remember
On September 29-30, 1941, the Nazis and their collaborators murdered nearly 35,000 Jews in just two days at Babi Yar Ravine outside Kiev.
Netanyahu Warns ‘Bad Deal’ with Iran Repeats Appeasement to Hitler
Israel, for good reason, is just about the only nation on Earth that understands the results of appeasing evil.
Jewish Leaders, Holocaust Survivors Livid Over Auction of Nazi Prisoner Stamps
The “extremely rare” stamps are expected to sell for $30,000-$40,000, says Tzolman’s Auction • European Jewish Association chairman appeals to Israeli Justice Minister Gideon Sa’ar to halt the “despicable sale.”
Daily Stormer Calling for Armed March against Montana Jews
White supremacist Richard Spencer's Spencer's Mom recently published an article about being forced to sell her home because of her son’s views. As evidence, she made public her emails with a Jewish real estate agent named Tanya Gersh.
Israel and Germany Appeal to UN to Condemn Holocaust Denial
The ambassadors of Israel and Germany denounced the ongoing denial of the Shoah.
Painter Jonasz Stern’s ‘Landscape after the Holocaust’ in Krakow Museum
Painter Jonasz Stern left a permanent mark on the Polish art of the 20th century.
$10 Million Awarded to U.S. Holocaust Museum for Shoah Studies
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., received a $10 million grant from the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation.
The museum’s Center...
Warsaw’s Jewish Community Buries Remains Found of Unidentified Holocaust Victim
The human bones were found in a basement, thought to have resulted from a Jew hiding from German forces that destroyed the area during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1943.
Israel’s Pres. Rivlin Closes Holocaust Remembrance Day With Opposition to Le Pen in France
"We demand self-examination from of all those who helped carry out the extermination program," Rivlin said. Le Pen denies responsibility for French deportations of Jews to death camps.
New Global Holocaust Remembrance Day Campaign to Aid Poorest Survivors
Hollywood mogul Haim Saban announced he is donating $1 million to the effort.
Ocasio-Cortez Rejects Auschwitz Tour with Holocaust Survivor
The organization From the Depths, whose president, 93-year-old Edward Mosberg, is a Holocaust survivor, invited AOC to see the camp where an estimated 1.1. million people were murdered.
UK to Loan Bust of Winston Churchill After Trump Requests Its Return to White...
British aristocracy have apparently not yet recovered from President Obama's insult, despite the gesture of conciliation by a new incoming president.
Yad Vashem’s Online Exhibit: ‘Do You Have a Lemon for the Children?’
""While most of the deportees were murdered by the end of the war, a small portion survived against all odds, and managed to start their lives anew."
Iran’s Holocaust Denial Film Strikes Deep Chord
Iran is once again working hard to incite the haters of the world against global Jewry.
Florida Gov. DeSantis Awards Prosecutor of Nuremberg Trials with Medal of Freedom
Ben Ferencz, 103, said he has worked his whole life for “a more humane and peaceful world, where no one would be killed or persecuted because of his race or religion or his political beliefs.”
Current World Jewish Population Still Below Pre-Holocaust Numbers
Prior to the murder of 6 million Jews between 1939 and 1945, some 16,600,000 were spread throughout the world. Today’s data indicates that there are currently 14,511,000 Jews on Earth, a number similar to that in 1922.
Secretary of State Kerry’s Yom HaShoah Message
U.S. Secretary of State Kerry calls the Shoah "the most painful and horrific chapter in human history."
Łódź Tenement Renovation Reveals Treasure Trove of Jewish Artifacts Buried in 1939
“We managed to extract about 350 objects. Some are still being processed. They are caked with earth, mud, and corrosion.”
Bomb Threats Sent to 6 JCCs on Purim in US, Canada
Most of the Jewish Community Centers that received threats had received them before, including the one in Vancouver, where the JCC was threatened last week.
NY Mayor de Blasio Visiting Yad VaShem
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is visiting Yad VaShem Sunday during his two-day tour in Israel for the 30th International Mayors Conference.
Exclusive: Kindness for Holocaust Survivor Cecile Low, z’l, Results in Mystery, History & Joyous...
"Her closest relatives are in Israel. We can't find them. They may never have met, but they are her closest kin." We need to find them . . .
Germany: We Alone Are to Blame for Holocaust
“Anti-Semitic statements are overflowing the internet channels in Poland, [and] they have become present on the main stream media too."
Turkish Students Arrested for Nazi Salute at Polish Nazi Camp Site
Two students from Turkey were arrested in Poland for using a Nazi salute on a group of Israeli students visiting the Majdanek concentration camp.
Israel’s 6 Million Jews Makes It Largest Jewish Center
The term “6 million” has chilling reminders of the Holocaust. Now that the number of Jews in Israel has reached that mark, the country is the largest Jewish center in the world.
Honored ‘Italian Schindler’ Exposed as Nazi Collaborator
How could a Italian Nazi collaborator be termed a “Righteous Gentile?” Perhaps it was Italian guilt, Catholic guilt, and family guilt. The tale of Giovanni Palatucci saving Jews may be a gross fraud.
Rome Jewish Leader Must Pay Court Fees of Convicted Nazi
Italian tax collectors have ordered the president of Rome’s Jewish community and a TV reporter to pay the court fees of convicted Nazi war...