Photo Credit: David Cohen/Flash90
Jewish men pray on Mt. Meron.

In anticipation of the dawn-to-dusk fast of the 10th of Tevet, which this year falls on Friday, December 22, the Tzohar Rabbinical Organization has called for the designation of this day as a national occasion for intensified prayer and benevolent acts, given the current circumstances. Tzohar further recommended that the recitation of the Mourner’s Kaddish on this day include remembrances for those who lost their lives on October 7.

The 10th of Tevet is a day of reflection on the numerous tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people throughout history. This year, amidst Israel’s ongoing conflict and its profound toll, the day takes on added significance.


The establishment of the fast day in 1949 by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel as the “General Day of Kaddish” underscores its role in commemorating Holocaust victims whose date of death remains unknown or who lack surviving loved ones to recite prayers on their behalf.

The devastating events of October 7 created a similar circumstance where many individuals perished without their loved ones knowing the precise moment of their passing or, tragically, without close family members left to recite the kaddish.

Rabbi David Stav of Tzohar remarked, “At this very moment, our soldiers are defending our land in Gaza and on other fronts. Soldiers engaged in operational duties or those required to maintain a heightened state of alertness are exempt from fasting on the Tenth of Tevet. In their stead, people across Israel can undertake personal prayers and engage in benevolent deeds, fostering unity within our community. We also encourage the observance of this General Day of Kaddish in memory of those lost in the brutal attack, ensuring that the kaddish is recited for all who fell in service to our country and people.”

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