Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Israeli Police clash with protesters rallying against Israeli court's decision to evict Arab squatters from Jewish-owned himes in Sheikh Jarrah, May 07, 2021.

The Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood, a.k.a. Sheikh Jarrah, is located in north Jerusalem, near the Shimon Hatzadik Cave and the Nahalat Shimon neighborhood. The neighborhood was established by Jewish settlers in 1890, and its Jewish residents were forced out by the British mandatory government during the War of Independence. In the early 2000s, after a long legal battle, Jewish residents started to come back to Shimon Hatzadik.

In the 1950s and ’60s, King Hussein of Jordan plied the Arabs of Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem under his rule with real estate to maintain their loyalty to the crown. Among those properties were those vacated Jewish homes in Sheikh Jarrah.


In 1967, Israel liberated the eastern part of Jerusalem. Israeli law is very clear regarding allowing Jews to ask for and receive homes they had been kicked out of in what was briefly known as the “west bank.”

Right-wing Jewish organizations have been engaged for several decades in the effort to retrieve Jewish property that had been captured by Jordan in 1948. These groups either represent the Jewish owners or purchase from their heirs the rights to those properties. Several Jewish families have been able to take back their properties in Sheikh Jarrah, as well as two Jewish trusts that have owned real estate there since the beginning of the neighborhood.

In 2003, those trusts appealed to the rabbinical court to remove the rule that they are banned from selling the land, the court accepted their appeal, and shortly thereafter their land was bought by a company called Nahalat Shimon, a subsidiary of Nahalat Shimon International, which is registered in Delaware.

Nahalat Shimon launched a legal battle to evict the descendants of the squatters that Jordan had moved to the homes vacated by their Jewish owners. The same company reportedly produced a plan to demolish its portion of the neighborhood and build 200 housing units there.

So far, the company has managed to evict four families, while 13 others, numbering about 300 squatters, now face evacuation after losing their legal battle. On Monday, which also happens to be Jerusalem Day, celebrating the 54th anniversary of the liberation of the eternal city, The three Supreme Court justices will hear these families’ appeal of the eviction orders issued to them.

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