Photo Credit: David Berkowitz via Flickr
Orthodox Jewish woman on the beach in Miami, Florida.

On Wednesday, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden won most of the “blue wall” in the Mid-West Trump succeeded in flipping in 2016, taking Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois. Trump also flipped Arizona, placing him at 264 electoral votes, 6 votes, or one state away from the 270 vote majority of the Electoral College. President Trump, meanwhile, remained stuck at 214 votes, as the slow count of mailed-in ballots in states he seemed to have won handily Tuesday night shows they are slipping away from his hold: Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.

Trump did manage to keep Florida red, and a survey conducted for The Associated Press by NORC at the University of Chicago among 3,698 likely voters showed that 43% of Florida’s Jews voted for the president, compared with 56% who voted for Biden. This represents a radical change in the behavior of Jewish voters, who normally support the democrat in a presidential race with upwards of 80% of their votes.


The same survey showed that nationally, Jewish voters gave 30% of their votes to Trump, compared with 68% to Biden.

The Republican Jewish Coalition released its own “Historic Jewish Voter Exit Poll” with leading pollsters, exit polling 600 Jewish voters nationally to show that Trump won 30.5% of the Jewish vote this year, up 6 points from his 24% share of the Jewish vote in 2016.

But a national survey released by J Street, with 800 respondents, showed that 77% of Jewish voters liked Biden, and only 21% voted for Trump. The J Street survey included 80 Orthodox Jewish voters, and among them, 79% voted for Trump.

A survey conducted by Menachem Lazar, director of Panels Politics, for 103FM showed that an overwhelming majority of the Israeli public prefers Trump in the White House. 57% of all respondents indicated they would have voted for Trump if they had the right to vote in US elections. Among rightwing voters, the figure is much higher – 84%. Support for Joe Biden among all respondents stands at a mere 23% and only 5% among right-wing voters.

Or, as at least one Israeli Facebook user put it: “If Trump loses to Biden he should convert, make Aliyah, and take over from Bibi.”

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