Ditto for the backers of Marzel and the right-wing ideologues who may be correct in their views, but ride a tiny wave of populism without any chance of being effective.
The last elections also saw the Economics Party, headed by two businessmen originally from Maine, whose platform focused on making peace with the Arabs by creating joint business ventures.
SodaStream is ahead of them in that area, and Scarlett Johansson is much more effective than a tiny political party.
For the record, a clown was the number three candidate after a Big Brother television contestant quit because he didn’t get the number one spot on the ticket. And who says politics is not a circus?
No one probably knows this, but another party that ran in the last elections was led by members of the Breslov Na Nach Nachman Hasidim. Sharon Kanaffo, one of the party’s founders, said at the time, “Our list for the Knesset is full of people who only want to do good and help others… though we haven’t thought of any specific law we would like to put forward yet.”
Well, at least the party was honest, but that does not go very far in politics.
But if the Breslov follower can get 3.25 percent of the votes, there may be something to talk about.