Photo Credit: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90
A small group of anarchists block the main highway. July 11, 2023

Besides blocking the roads for millions of citizens of Israel, in their righteous anger and frustration, the anarchists have really started to lose it.

Early this morning, the anarchists placed a baby on the road to block traffic. They later tried to claim it was photoshopped and that no one actually put a baby on the road to block the cars, but the photographer confirmed to reporter Amit Segal that the photograph is real.

Anarchists place a baby on the road to block traffic in their protest. July 11, 2023

Another protester attacked a police horse at one of the protests. The horse fell and was left with a bloody head.

To be fair, mounted police have also been filmed knocking over protesters.

A newspaper photographer for a leftwing outlet was filmed punching a policeman in the eye. The policeman was taken for medical treatment.

Emergency medical organizations has made a request to the anarchists to let their ambulances through. This morning an ICU ambulance wasn’t able to get through when rushing to reach a child with anaphylaxis. United Hatzalah is boosting their ambucycles today to get around the road blocks.

MDA says ambulances can’t get through and have had serious delays, including trying to reach six serious calls.

Anarchists physically attacked a news crew from Channel 14, and then broke and stole their camera equipment. The anarchists regularly target Channel 14 because it is not a leftwing news outlet like the others.

58 anarchists have been arrested as of 2PM. Seven have been released.

One thing for sure, the anarchists have finally gotten the pictures of violence they’ve been after since their representative parties lost the elections.

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