Photo Credit: Hadas Parush/Flash90
Professor Moshe Koppel, chairman of Forum Kohelet, speaks during the Kohelet Conference at the Begin Heritage Center, in Jerusalem, on October 24, 2017.

Red lines continue to be crossed by anarchist groups. Members of the Kohelet Policy Forum discovered that overnight, anarchists from the group “Achim LaNeshek” (Brothers-in-Arms) vandalized the Kohelet offices and uploaded videos of themselves doing it.


The anarchist group blocked the entrance to the offices with sandbags and barbed wire. Currently police are outside the office as protesters block the entrance to the building, harassing anyone that enters. The anarchists screamed at Meir Rubin the CEO of Kohelet as he entered the building, calling him a “Boged” (traitor).

Kohelet is the think-tank that is playing a large role in helping formulate the judicial reform proposals, and as such, has earned the ire of the various progressive and anarchist groups.

Achim LaNeshek are a small group of anarchists that claim to speak for the IDF reservists and have been playing a large role in politicizing the army in their war against the elected coalition government and judicial reform.

On Thursday, the anarchists plan to try and shut down the country and in particular the airport. One group of anarchists are protesting outside the private home of the El Al pilot and private citizen who is supposed to fly Netanyahu to Rome today. The anarchists doxed him and publicized his home address last night and called on protesters to show up outside his home to protest.

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