Photo Credit: Official image from
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on Saturday reported that her office on Capitol Hill had been defaced with signs covered in blood, which accused her of endorsing terrorism. This incident followed her condemnation of Israel regarding a series of explosions in Lebanon that involved pagers targeting members of the militant group Hezbollah (AOC Attacks Israel for Blowing Up Innocent Hezbollah Terrorists).

Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, “Yesterday my House office was tagged with blood-splattered signs accusing me of supporting terrorism after I questioned the pager operation, which clearly runs counter to US policy. They must live under a rock to not know I don’t take well to bullies.”


So, for one thing, look at the images online of AOC’s office. Most of the stickers are from her staff and fans, with the red ones forming the words JUSTICE and AWESOME. On top of those, someone placed thirteen larger yellow stickers saying, “Mazal tov, you’re a terrorist,” with a little bit of red paint to symbolize blood, or, as journalist Katherine Brodsky put it: “Wait a second… The ‘blood-splattered signs’ are literally sticky notes and a little bit of red ink on some signs?”

Remember the Congresswoman’s hyper-sensitivity about 13 stickers when she comes up with some other atrocious accusation.

AOC attached a quote from the Defense Dept. regarding booby trapping objects to harm civilians – as the Congresswoman from the Bronx repeated the lie being spread by Al Jazeera and other pro-Hezbollah media about the Israeli beeper attack targeting civilians. The fact is that by definition, anyone whose beeper exploded in Lebanon and elsewhere last Tuesday was a terrorist, seeing as those beepers (and the radios that exploded on Wednesday) had been given only to members of Hezbollah. A few civilians were likely hurt because they were unlucky enough to stand behind a Hezbollah terrorist at the supermarket checkout, but they clearly had not been targeted.

“Congress needs a full accounting of the attack, including an answer from the State Department as to whether any US assistance went into the development or deployment of this technology,” AOC declared last Wednesday.

The technology combines an instrument from the 1970s where short text messages could be displayed on a small screen, and gunpowder, invented in China in the 9th century. It didn’t require US assistance to put those two together. In fact, a whole lot of effort went into making sure the US didn’t know about this brilliant operation because the Biden administration is not great at keeping secrets.

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