In a CBS interview on Tuesday night, former Prime Minister Ehud Barak once again shared his murder fantasies, this time with the American public. As you may recall, in July a 2020 video featuring Barak’s talk to today’s anarchist leaders, he revealed: “A friend of mine, a historian, once told me, Ehud, they will call you when bodies will float in the Yarkon River. I wish to stress: not the bodies of illegally residing Palestinians from the territories will be floating, and not Israeli Arabs. The floating bodies will be of Jews that were killed by Jews.”
That murder fantasy came coupled with Barak’s delusions about his being the most fit individual to rule Israel, despite his poor record as one of the shortest-serving prime ministers in the country’s history. After his failure, Barak attempted a few more times to capture the support he believed he so richly deserved from the ungrateful masses but ended up being rescued from political oblivion by Benjamin Netanyahu, who needed him as his left-wing buffer.
In his Tuesday night interview on CBS, Barak didn’t have nice things to say about Israel’s democratically-elected government. Speaking about his nemesis (although Netanyahu probably isn’t losing sleep thinking about Barak), the leader of the perpetual anarchist coup attempt said: “He is heavily isolated, desperate, he’s out of focus and balance, and his government is blatantly illegitimate, even illegal.”
Barak didn’t pause to explain how a government that relies on 64 Knesset mandates is illegal, he moved on to offer a terrifying insight into his inner thinking. Stating that the time has come to openly rebel against the Israeli government, Barak declared: “Some people might lose their lives along the way, we’ll have to face toil and sweat and tears. There might be some violence, which always comes from the right wing.”
Should Ehud Barak be hospitalized or tried for treason? When I contemplate what would be a proper end for Ehud Barak, I am reminded of another highly self-appreciating and gifted man, American poet and fascist collaborator Ezra Pound. On December 21, 1945, Pound was transferred to Howard Hall, St. Elizabeth’s maximum-security ward, where he was held in a single cell with peepholes. Visitors were admitted to the waiting room for 15 minutes at a time, while other patients wandered around screaming. On February 13, 1946, it was concluded that he was of “unsound mind.” He was moved to the more comfortable Cedar Ward on the third floor of the east wing of St. Elizabeth’s Center Building. In early 1948 he was moved again, this time to a larger room in Chestnut Ward, where he found some respite.