Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
MK Simcha Rothman, June 12, 2023.

The Jerusalem Post website on Monday morning published an apology for an editorial it published on Sept. 9, 2022, in which it claimed that MK Simcha Rothman’s “support for a Jewish terrorist crosses a dangerous line”.

The article was written in the context of the torture that was used in the clandestine police interrogation of Amiram Ben Uliel and a subsequent tweet posted by Rothman in which he commented in general that he doesn’t know “whether the judicial system that bases a conviction on a confession received through torture deserves to be considered a system that administers a fair trial.”


After MK Rothman filed a libel suit, through attorney Uriel Nizri, against the JPost for the defamatory statements attributed to him, the newspaper published an apology notice stating that MK Rothman did not make any statement that included support for terrorism, and that they apologize for any discomfort this may have caused him.

And now, you too can enjoy the JPost apology, free of charge:

Jerusalem Post Capitulates before MK Rothman’s Libel Suit, July 10, 2023. / Courtesy

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