Photo Credit: Michael Giladi/Flash90
A Yom Kippur memorial tank stolen by leftwing protesters against judicial reform.

Leftwing protesters demonstrating against the government’s judicial reforms stole a tank that had been displayed at a memorial site in the Golan Heights for the 1973 Yom Kippur War. The protesters who stole the tank draped a large replica of Israel’s Declaration of Independence on it. Their aim was to use the tank as a prop for their demonstration, which was organized to protest against the government’s judicial reforms.


The tank was later found on a flatbed truck near Kibbutz Gadot, which is just west of the Golan Heights. The police were able to recover the armored vehicle, and it is expected that charges will be filed against those who stole it. The theft of the tank is seen as a direct result of the incitement that has been taking place around the judicial reforms.

Aharon Barak, the former Supreme Court President, has been at the center of the controversy surrounding the government’s legal reforms. In interviews with Israeli media in early January, Barak compared Minister of Justice Yariv Levin’s legal reform package to a “coup with tanks.”

This led to widespread criticism from Israel’s right wing, who credit Barak with engineering the “judicial revolution” in the 1990s that resulted in the Supreme Court appropriating powers beyond its mandate. The Netanyahu-led government says that its reforms are meant to fix the changes wrought by Barak, but opponents of the reforms are trying to spread fear that they will bring about the “end of democracy.”

Matan Peleg, CEO of Im Tirtzu, a Zionist NGO, said, “The Israel Police must act immediately and file charges against those who stole military equipment. The theft of the tank is a direct result of the incitement of Aharon Barak who likened the legal reform to a revolution of tanks.”

Content by JNS was used in this report.

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