Photo Credit: מסתכלים לכיבוש בעיניים
Anarchist taking pictures of Jewish farmers, police, and soldiers who retrieve a stolen herd of sheep, February 3, 2024.

A group calling itself “Staring into the Eyes of the Occupation” (Mistaklim La’Kibush Ba’Einayim) on Saturday provided a stunning example of the blood libel that’s being conjured in collaboration between Arab terrorists, Israeli anti-Zionist NGOs, and the Biden administration, depicting “Settler violence.”

On Saturday, Jewish farmers, alongside the Israel Police and the IDF found and retrieved a herd of sheep that had been stolen by Bedouins. Throughout the event, the thieving Bedouins threw stones at the rightful owners of the herd, and anarchists took pictures.


A tweet by the left-wing organization intended for Biden and the White House: “Armed settlers invade barns to loot sheep under the auspices of the security forces.”

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